hello friends...
here I m with yet another experience of mine....as u all might know...that there has been earthquakes in delhi nd nepal...nd other states of india also, but I have a different perspective to watch all this....people in india are really scared about earthquakes nd I too very much feel sad about the people who died due to the eartquakes in india or in nepal but what my mom thinks is totally different nd I don't think dat people might be looking at dis incident in the same way as my mom had said...."it's all happening just because there is too much sins nd ill happenings in the world, which god wants to stop...he's just alarming us to stop all this, otherwise.... "...nd I was shocked to hear such a perspective of my mum...but afterwards I also agreed to my mum's view to some extent. ..There are we already know environment problems...such as global warming, melting of himalyas, nd other matters such as earthquakes happening frequently....I think that movies such as 2012 are truely showing us how the world's gonna end...nd sometimes its just d end of anything almost scares us...
so this one is just to make aware
nd my mum feel about the "things" happening in the world nowadays. ..
nd I really want u too to take things in ur own manner nd have ur own perspective of things like I do have....so comment on it if u want nd u can always email me at
bhawnaarya.arya@gmail.com. ..nd add me on fb also
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