Friday 27 March 2020

It's all about positivism!!!

Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I posted my blog. And for that matter here I am again for making you guys aware one of the most burning and trending topics online.

Yes. You guessed it right it's about body shaming and how people consider you as a creature from another planet if you are fat or thin or any different!!

And as I have got a habit to scroll down all the news feeds and happenings on Facebook .. I scrolled down to one of the videos of a very famous British comedian who seemed like a perfect figured lady, but her mother told her as per some magazine article... Her daughter (even being perfectly fit) has the potential to be thin fat, fat thin, thin thin, fat fat and what not!!

And they will blame it to be your eating habits... I mean come on... I've seen thin as a plank (no offence) girls to eat one maharaja mac meal in one go. But I never see them changing. And if I talk about myself even if I drink water it makes my stomach bloat as a hot air balloon... I wonder how all those gals got such resistance to food.. But anyways moving further...

It was such hilarious video but when I thought in deep it was like even in my country even if you are thin, fat, brown-skinned, black-skinned, do makeup, didn't do make-up, belong to a city or a small town... People have to comment on each and everything. the end of the day and even from my experience as I used to do gyming for 3 hours a day in college days and became so thin that my haemoglobin levels dropped but at now I am not so regretful about my figure lady. And the fact I truly trust in is you might embrace the beauty that you have got even if others say you are fat-thin, thin-fat or whatever... But the true beauty lies within yourself and the confidence you have got will give you sheer pleasure... So go embrace yourself...

Tuesday 7 March 2017

The childhood days

Yeh Daulat Bhi Le Lo,
Yeh Shohrat Bhi Le Lo,
Bhale Chheen Lo Mujhse Se Meri Jawani,
Magar Mujhko Lauta Do bachpan Ka Sawan..
Wo Kagaz Ki Kashti, wo Baarish Ka Paani...

Reminiscing of the old childhood days by a post on one of the social networking sites, that compelled me to write on this specific topic.

The days when words like ego,arrogance and attitude never existed...when jealousy was an unknown  thing and the only known feelings were happiness and innocense. Such were those childhood days.

When happiness was restricted to chocolates and candies bought by dad while returning home, mum taking care of clothes and food, walking with the support of wall, being called by cute nicknames and not having stress of scoring the best in class or competition of grabbing good job and having the best salary package amongst your colleagues.

Such is the beauty of childhood days...when all people want you to behave like is a kid!! No restrictions no boundaries and no worries.

While i was a kid....i used to pray to god to make me young as soon as possible for i wanted to feel how the ones who are independent feels like, i wanted to be more recognised as an individual than to be by a kid who knows nothing but innocence.

But now, when I've reached the so deserved phase of life... i really feel i won't have  wished and  prayed of becoming a youngster besides enjoying the cheerful and happening sunny bright days of childhood.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

The grim reality of Showbiz!

It's nothing new to talk about the botox, lip and nose enhancement plastic surgeries in showbiz. Botox and bollywood these two things are closely interrelated when it comes to talking about celebrities of Bollywood or in Hollywood.

This reality came out in form of words allegedly through Rishi Kapoor’s tweet where he mentioned Fay Dunaway’s botoxed face as “unrecognisable ” when she appeared at the Oscars along with Warren Beatty.

1.Going through the history of plastic surgery the king of pop was perhaps one of the first person of the world who have gone through a drastic physical change!!! And rest follows the suit.

2. Ayesha Takia appeared at an event last week where she seemed to have gone under the knife and shocked her fans with her drastically changed face.

3. Amongst all Vaani Kapoor the Befikre actress is also alleged to have gone through plastic surgery which she denies but her pictures tell a completely different story.

4. Bolly celebs including Priyanka chopra , Shilpa shetty and Anuskha sharma are allegedly told to have botched their facial features.

Such is the story of celebrities where they not only shine by putting heavy make up but go through various botox and plastic surgeries to be in limelight..

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Everything you need to know about Uttarakhand

Hey you all know i belong to uttarakhand which is renowned as "dev bhumi uttarakhand" (place where god reside) and wondering how many people would be knowing specifically about uttarakhand's culture and the difference between being a garwali or kumaoni..
So guys and girls... here's all you should know about uttarakhand :

1. People belonging to uttarakhand are humble and sweet and will make sure you have food once you enter the home...and cook very favourite and famous delicacies of region specailly the bhang ki chutney (syrup made of bhang) and kheere ka raayta (spicy delicacy of curd and cucumber). mmm..mouth watering!!


2.They love their region and are very  precise about the region you belong to.. Uttarakhand has 7 districts in garwal and 6 in kumaon.. To be precise whenever you'll get to meet a garwali or kumaoni person, they'll ask as if you belong to garwal or kumaon and then from terhri garwal or pauri... Duh!!!

3.They're very very precise about language too... I warn you very!!! I'vie seen people fighting in Facebook  comments over "beru pako" (national song of kumao) song as if it's  sung in garwali or kumaoni language ....psst... very famous in uttarakhand better not get into fight it's kumaoni song

4. They're very ardent believers of karma and natural powers... if you do bad to them karma is gonna kick you off... they're not very harsh but better not do wrong with them.

5. Women of uttarakhand are very hard working and make the most of hardworks from making their children ready for school to cattle rearing and cutting grass from the far off valleys for the cattle as cattle milk is used for their very favourite bevarage tea!!!


6. They're tea lovers and can have tea at any point of time. So anytime you ask them for having tea...the answer is going to be yes... better be ready to drink tea whenever you reach out for uttarakhand as it's very cold region and beautiful as heaven.


7. Uttarakhand is very famous for it's sweet 'bal mithai' (sweet sugary bricks covered with small white dewdrop like structure). They're very delicious and uttarakhandi kids are always craving for the same.

8. Pahadi Women there are very fond of jewellery and specially about their galaband (gold plated chocker necklace ) and nathuni (big gold nosepin) which is worn by women on auspicious occassions like marriages or pooja.. and there's also a yellow dupatta with small red polka dots (pichhora) which is very famous and a very important part of the marriage rituals in uttarakhand.

9. This one's a warning!!! better you have medicines with you to stop vomiting.. coz everytime i go for my hometown i usually vomit out of the windows as the ways are so turned up at every second minute. so better be ready to be vomit out of windows once you plan a trip for there.

10. Last but not the least the people of uttarakhand are so sweet and innocent in nature that they treat you in the best way they can.. they'll make you feel like home even if you talk to them for the very first ttime... they're very humble and ready to help in whatsoever manner...

Psst...that's my observation of pahadi culture you can add up the points if you know.. 

Thursday 27 October 2016


Fashion nowadays has been considered as anything unanimously in trend and which is followed majorly by people It basically depends upon the stereotypes and how you relate things more often. In my terms, fashion can be in garments makeup, food ,beauty, dress up or the  way you style things.

Fashion in the earlier centuries was linked to garments and clothing and the style of dress up and styling was the term which was used to denote the fashion in general.      

Fashion and styling has been ruling the world till now. Anything latest and in trend is considered as unique and stylish. Fashion and style are considered as synonyms and go hand in hand. If you're buying something that is out of fashion then you're considered as the odd one out!!  

Fashion and beauty are also closely linked as is evident from the Bollywood and Hollywood industry ..if you're a beautiful face you're considered as more “fashionable” and modern personality until you're the one following trends.

Fashion is everywhere in clothing, food, shoes, make up, movies and in everything.
 While talking about the fashion industry you'll refer to the fashion shows and fashion designers who display their tinge of style to the fabric they've designed.

For instance if we closely  observe  the  clothing style of protagonist in Indian movies are the latest trends followed in fashion by the people.

 Remember the ripped jeans worn by Salman Khan  in one of his 90s hit movie has been followed as a fashion trend till now.

 As far as the western effect to Indian culture is concerned, everyone is aware of the fact that denims are one of the most successful and highly followed addition to the Indian fashion and clothing. Fashion is not only in clothing but your perception of things.
It can also be a thought which comes to your mind and might be considered as fancy by someone..

For example your interpretation of feminism could be that men should not be given any opportunity  or preference for job before women as they've already been prioritised in society...might sound fancy or fashionable to someone and some might take it as backward thinking...     

 Fashion and beauty trends clothing, make up, beauty are the things which are complimentary and go hand in hand and the most followed practices on and all.